Saturday 23 January 2016

Do I really get to live here?

We had a gorgeous day today.  I talked the kids into going out for a walk and we discovered the beautiful place just below our cottage.  I couldn't help thinking of Walden's Pond.
Walden on amazon

I once tried to read it, but didn't make it through.  I much preferred a thriller called The Shadow Year by Hannah Richell which frequently referenced the classic.

Anyway, here are a few photos.

Is it really January?  Do I actually get to live here?  Oops, we just found out this is private property.  Don't go here if you find it!


  1. Gorgeous! Did you get in trouble for trespassing? Haha, at least you got some beautiful pics!

  2. The kids went back later to have a picnic and got a talking to. Poor kids! They were very disappointed:(
